Installations 1-5 m3/day
Only aeration installations are capable to provide effective sewage purification for this range of capacity. However, for normal functioning of these installations competent maintenance as well as significant power consumption 5-10 kW/m3 are required which is quite onerously for the million. Suggested bioplants are designed for biochemical treatment of wastewater within distinct residential and public buildings, farms and small industries when concentrations of pollutants within BOD does not exceed 300 mg/liter and this of suspended solids does not exceed 400 mg/liter.
The primary sewage and the liquid with the sediment from secondary settler 6 are discharge to collecting reservoir 1 where from the mixture is periodically pumped by pump 2 to sewage discharge clarifier-digester-equalizer 3. The clarified water is evenly tapped through the floating pump to column biotank 4 with cassette feed 5. While flowing from the upper cassettes to the lower ones the organic impurities are being oxidized. The design of the upper and lower parts of cassettes 8, 9 provides the solution of the following problems:
-It creates optimal hydrodynamic flow.
-It promotes the formation of the developed contacting surface between the sewage and the immobilized microflora.
-It extends the time of contact between the sewage andbiocenosis.
-It is favorable to the air oxygen dissolution in the liquid.
-It results in the removal of the neutralized biomass.
Out of the column biotank the water is getting to sediment basin 6 and then to the UV disinfection unit 7 and at last it is discharged. Some part of the clarified water and sediment from 6 flow to 1, which provides for double and triple circulation of the liquid and, correspondingly, raises the purification effect. The installation design provides for the following:
-Impurity concentration reduction to 20-30 mg/l BOD.
-Suspended matters amount of 15-20 mg/l.
-Natural formation of the active biomass within the period of 7-10 days.
-Microflora vital activity preservation in case the work is stopped for 3 days.
-Reduction of the pump working time to 3 hours per day.
-Power consumption of 0,2-0,33 kW/kg BOD.
Maintenance: preventive inspection, fermented sediment discharge and pellet laying take place once in 5-10 days.
To the orders of RF Ministry of Housing and Construction and Ministry of Agriculture test investigations have been undertaken and design parameters for the experimental-industrial installations production have been obtained.