Sewage treatment works (capacity 50 m3/day)
Treatment facilities include:
- Sewage pumping station (SPS).
- Block of main structures (BOS).
Block of main structures consists of:
- Combined works (CW), consisting of: biofilters, aerotanks, mixing chamber with circulating pumps.
- Post-treatment bioreactors.
- Ultraviolet disinfection installation.
Wastewater enters SPS, from where it is pumped into CW mixing chamber. Special container sand-catcher is installed into the mixing chamber to capture sand and waste sludge. Delayed wastes and sand are loaded into the waste tank. In the mixing chamber sewage mixes with circulating sludge mixture coming from aerotank. The mixture is then fed into biofilter irrigation system with the help of circulating pump. Irrigation system consists of water-distributing trays with discharge pipes and reflective discs. Falling liquid jets break up on discs and irrigate the biofilter loading. Liquid, having passed through the biofilter, is sent to aeration columns, where air entrainment takes place (0,5-0,6 m3/m3) because of vortex funnels appearing. Air-water mixture is distributed by aeration columns over the volume of the aeration basin. Sludge mixture displaced from the aeration zone enters the zone of sedimentation, where it is split. Part of the sludge is compacted and returns through the slot to aeration zone. Another part of the sludge rises and forms a suspended layer which stops fine particles of impurities. Purified water is collected by drainage trays and directed to bioreactors with loading for waste water post-treatment. Regeneration of bioreactors loading is done periodically by alternate evacuation and loading tanks flushing with water. Mud from bioreactors is directed into the mixing chamber. Purified water from bioreactors comes to UV disinfection installation.
Purified and disinfected water from the contact tank flows to the pond.
Excess activated sludge is periodically (once every 2 weeks) delivered to dumps.
To reduce the size of sanitary protection zones up to 30 m, facility are equipped with used air disinfection and deodorization installations.
Sewage treatment facilities (capacity 50 m3/day) of “Novorossmetall” plant (town Novorossiysk). Time in commission - 12 years.